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Scientific Researches On:

Grifola Frondosa (Maitake Mushroom)

USA National Center for Biotechnology Information

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Antitumor activity of a beta-1,3-glucan obtained from liquid cultured mycelium of Grifola frondosa.

Ohno N, Adachi Y, Suzuki I, Oikawa S, Sato K, Ohsawa M, Yadomae T.

The antitumor activity of a branched beta-1,3-glucan "grifolan LE" purified from liquid cultures of Grifola frondosa (Ohno et al. Chem. Pharm. Bull., 34, 1709-1715 (1986] was examined on an allogeneic murine tumor system. By intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration (100-200 micrograms/mouse/d X 5) at days 1 to 9 from the tumor transplantation, grifolan LE showed marked inhibitory activity on the growth of solid form sarcoma 180 in ICR mice. Significant activity was also observed in intravenous (i.v.) or intratumoral (i.t.) administrations. However, the oral (p.o.) administration of grifolan LE was not effective. I.p. administration of grifolan LE at a dose of 100 micrograms/mouse/d X 5 before the tumor transplantation showed significant inhibition of tumor growth. I.p. administration of grifolan LE at day +11 to +19 was also effective. Grifolan LE was not effective on the ascites form of sarcoma 180. The pretreatment of sarcoma 180 cell with grifolan LE in vitro did not affect tumor growth. The mice cured from the solid form of sarcoma 180 by administration of grifolan LE had the ability to reject the same tumor cell. From these results, it is suggested that the antitumor activity of grifolan LE occurred by modification of biological responses.

PMID: 3820062 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Structure-function Relationship of antitumor beta-1,3-glucan obtained from matted mycelium of cultured Grifola frondosa.

Iino K, Ohno N, Suzuki I, Sato K, Oikawa S, Yadomae T.

PMID: 3830423 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Structural characterization and antitumor activity of the extracts from matted mycelium of cultured Grifola frondosa.

Ohno N, Iino K, Takeyama T, Suzuki I, Sato K, Oikawa S, Miyazaki T, Yadomae T.

PMID: 4085071 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Neutral and acidic antitumor polysaccharides extracted from cultured fruit bodies of Grifola frondosa.

Ohno N, Iino K, Suzuki I, Oikawa S, Sato K, Miyazaki T, Yadomae T.

Publication Types:

PMID: 4040819 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Effect of a polysaccharide fraction from Grifola frondosa on immune response in mice.

Suzuki I, Itani T, Ohno N, Oikawa S, Sato K, Miyazaki T, Yadomae T.

The biological and immunomodulating activities of polysaccharide fraction (GF-1), an antitumor poysaccharide fraction from cultured fruiting bodies of Grifola frondosa, was examined in mice. GF-1 showed no cytocidal effect on culturing tumor cells. However, GF-1 induced resistance against Sarcoma 180 in ICR mice which had completely regressed from the tumor by the effect of GF-1. The administration of GF-1 into mice increased the weights or cell numbers of spleen, and peritoneal cavity. GF-1 enhanced the antigen specific antibody response and carbon clearance activity, whereas GF-1 did not show polyclonal B cell activation and mitogenic activities, and the effect on delayed type hypersensitivity.

PMID: 3891963 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Antitumor activity of a polysaccharide fraction extracted from cultured fruiting bodies of Grifola frondosa.

Suzuki I, Itani T, Ohno N, Oikawa S, Sato K, Miyazaki T, Yadomae T.

Antitumor activity of a polysaccharide fraction (GF-1) extracted from cultured fruiting bodies of a fungus, Grifola frondosa, was examined on allogeneic and syngeneic tumors in mice. GF-1 had a marked inhibitory activity against the growth of subcutaneously (s.c.) inoculated Sarcoma 180 by the intraperitoneally (i.p.) injection at 0.5-5.0 mg/mouse for 10 successive days. A significant antitumor activity was also observed when GF-1 at 4.0 mg/mouse was i.p. injected successively on days +1-+5, +7-+11, +14-+18 or +21-+25 if the tumor cells were inoculated s.c. on day 0. Similar results were obtained by a single i.p. injection of GF-1 at 2.0 mg/mouse on day +1, +7, +14 or +21. When GF-1 was injected i.p., intravenously (i.v.) or intratumorally (i.t.), all of them showed an equivalent level of higher inhibitory activity (inhibition ratio; over 90%). However, the oral (p.o.) administration was not effective. The pretreatment of mice with GF-1 at 2.0 or 4.0 mg/mouse for 5 times before tumor inoculation did not show a significant antitumor activity. In addition, GF-1 administered i.p. at varying times before and/or after the tumor inoculation showed no antitumor activity against ascites form of Sarcoma 180. In the syngeneic systems, GF-1 exhibited an antitumor activity against solid form of Meth A fibrosarcoma in BALB/c mice and MM46 carcinoma in C3H/He mice.

PMID: 6491867 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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[Studies on antitumor activities of Basidiomycetes-antitumor activity of polysaccharides and sex factors]

[Article in Japanese]

Ito H, Naruse S, Sugiura M.

We have already reported antitumor activities of fungal and bacterial polysaccharides on mice. In the present experiment, the influence of the sex on antitumor effects on such material from Grifola umbellata, Coriolus versicolor Fries or Sargassum thumbergii and the immunity of mice against tumor were investigated. The growth velocities of Sarcoma 180, Ehrlich solid carcinoma, Pulmonary tumor 7423 and MF-sarcoma bearing mice both without treatment and those treated with polysaccharides were more rapid in males than in females. The regression rates in mice with the above tumors were higher in females than in males. However, a few DS Mie mice with Sarcoma 180 and A/Jax Mie mice with Ehrlich solid carcinoma regressed spontaneously. The growth velocity of Shionogi carcinoma 42 was not influenced by the sex. On other hand, both males and females which had experienced a regression of ascites tumor after the administration of polysaccharides rejected the re-implanted Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, Sarcoma 180, NF-sarcomma and Shionogi carcinoma 42. These results suggest that a strong ehancement of immune response occurs in the tumor implanted in the host animal by the administration of polysacchrides. The combination of X-ray irradiation Ehrlich ascites cells and polysacchrides strengthens the antitumor effect of NF-sarcoma and Shionogi carcinoma 42. Peritoneal exudate cells and lymphocytes were compared between the male and female mice after being treated with ATSO and P.GU-1. Such cells were present to a much greater extent in females.

Publication Types:

PMID: 986353 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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